• Be a part of

  • mandala

  • Wangdenling   is the heart
  • of the Slovak Dzogchen community
  • and a „place of power”
  • blessed by the master
  • Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
  •  Buy your own mandala piece
  • and support the repair
  •  of an architecturally unique gonpa (meditation hall)
  • situated amidst the White Carpathians!

Help us save the gonpa

WANGDENLING (tib. „place of power”) is the heart of Slovak Dzogchen community - an ancient form of Tibetan Buddhism, and as a platform for spiritual development it´s mainly a space for meditation, personal retreats, workshops and lectures. You´ll find it within the uniquely magical atmosphere of the White Carpathians nature.

In 2016, thanks to your generosity and support, we managed to build a gonpa here and invited the great Dzogchen master Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, who kindly blessed the place.

Wangdenling gonpa is singular not merely for its design, but also for its potential and possibility to organize regular practices of the Vajra Dance and Yantra Yoga or simply contemplate, relax and recover your strength. Here, you can meet prominent Buddhist teachers, fellow practitioners or friends from the neighboring countries, mostly Czech.

Thanks to your generous help we have managed to put the gompa successfully on solid ground.
We want to thank you everyone from the dephts of our hearts for supporting us during the gompa foundations reconstruction and thus helping to preserve the space that supports practice and the development of knowledge.

Till the end of the August, the final maintenance work , the last point of this project (mainly wood protective coating of all the wooden construction), still awaits us. That's why we are further continuing the fundraising - we need to collect 4 500 EUR to complete our goal.
More about the current state of the reconstruction HERE.

Become a part of mandala and donate!

Buy your own mandala piece


CLICK on any given mandala piece(s) - marking or unmarking it (them). The pieces have values starting from 20 EUR. By hovering your cursor over a particular piece its price will be displayed. Colored pieces are already reserved.

Once chosen, fill out the form and confirm your reservation. After receiving your reservation, we´ll send you a confirmation email and payment instructions.  Donate!  Thank you!

Haven't you find a piece of suitable value?
Please support our gonpa reconstruction project by donating sum of you choosing.
Here are another ways, how to donate via
bank transfers, paypal, or credit card.


Our donors

We have prepared a SPECIAL GIFT

Those donors who sponsor the two most valuable fields (triangles on the outer circle of the mandala) will receive
Sonam Tobkyed for the protection and prosperity blessed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.
These thagdrols are very precious, but we want to donate them to the donors for this very important purpose.  

2027 EUR
Our new goal: 4 500 EUR
Raised 45 %

Wangdenling is here for you.   But now needs your help.
Thank you!

The bank account details

Payment in  EUR
Account number:      2701904108/8330
IBAN:                          SK6783300000002701904108
Account name:          Gompa - repair (Medzinárodná komunita Dzogčhenu – Wangdenling)
Bank name:                FIO banka a.s.
Bank adress:              Nam. SNP 21, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Payment from Czech Republic in  CZK without fee
Account number:     2801112896/2010
IBAN:                         CZ2920100000002801112896
Account name:         Medzinárodná komunita Dzogčhenu – Wangdenling
Bank name:               FIO banka a.s.
Variable symbol:      111 (projekt rekonstrukcie gonpy)
currency converter - EUR to CZK

For international payments use Paypal

Any questions about the payments?
Contact us at yellow@dzogchen.sk

QR payments:

QR payment CZK

QR payment EUR

QR payment EUR


More about the project and technical solution:

The gonpa building has been drawn up as a unique and ecological structure since the very beginning. From that perspective, it seemed to be the best solution to build it on massive wooden trunks.

Unfortunately, after only a few years we realized that this approach had been, for its level of difficulty, unsuitable for local conditions. A professional pillar sample analysis from 2019 confirmed an advanced attack by fungi and white rot.

Despite repeated and intense chemical treatment, we failed to stop the spread of the decay. At this point, based on a structural evaluation, the only solution for saving this beautiful place is a complete replacement of all the pillars.

We aim at adding many decades to the gonpas lifespan, while keeping its unique design, surrounding countryside and the local environment at heart.


Dear friends,

thanks to your support the gompa foundation reconstruction is successfully almost finished.

We have devoted more than two years to the process of saving the gompa (including project preparation and fundraising).

Thank you for staying with us all the time.

The work itself was a challenge - it consisted of undercutting all the 48 pillars, removing the underground part of the pillars attacked by white rot and sponge, and replacing them with concrete footings. Some pillars were in such critical condition that they had to be replaced completely. We have found that the gompa was saved really at the last moment. Throughout all the restoration, we have collaborated with an experienced builder and wood restorer and his team.

Now the gompa stands safely on solid ground.

Still in the spring there awaits us the conservation and last finishing works before completion
(consisting mainly of protective coating of all outer wooden construction).

We would be very grateful for any contribution that will help us fund this final phase so that we can move the project towards successful completion.

To achieve this goal, we still need to collect 4 500 EUR.

This has been done so far:

Help to save this beautifull place.



Thank you.

Marián Knoško
Andrej Záthurecký
Terezka Chabanova
Katerina Drajsajtlova
Ludek Hruby
Eva Strouhalová
Eva Strouhalová
Lukáš Novotný
Andrej Vergun
Marek a Eva Bilkovi
Jozef Auxt
Petr Foniok
Tomáš Hecl
Petra Vintrová
Janis Prášil
Martina Dršková
Ivana Mészáros
Milan Křížka
Hilda Maria Palisek
Hilda Maria Palisek
Alexandru Anton
comunità internazionale dzogchen di Gyamtsholing Venezia
Lucie a Jaroslav Střelkovi
Oana Marcu
Kirsa Valdas
Rastislav Brunovský
Komunita Dzogčhenu Žilina
Maťa Augustinská
Martina Přichystalová
Alexander Berek
Iva Nachtmannová
Třinecká sangha
Jozef Auxt
Sabine Böhm
Miroslav Kardaus
Komunita Dzogčhenu Žilina
Gabriel Berek
Dária Fehérová
Pavel Klváček
Martina Ocskaiová
Sean Quinn
Catherine Montebourg
Kordula Döring
Sergio Quaranta
Lech a Lucyna Bielan
Ivana Mészáros
Emilia Korbecka
Jitka Pivodová
Julian Chase
Jan Kompis
Alexander Berek
Gabriel Berek
Anna Apraksina
Peter Várošík
Max Diehn
Peter Novak Canic
Milan Křížka
Ivana Mészáros
Hilda M
Jiří Kopal
Will Shea
Cindy Faulkner
carlos mena
Virginia Ramírez
Robyn Kinsey
Stefan Dörflein
Nazarena C. Reile
Maarten Schoon
Ivan Kuzmin
Jiri Rybár
Michal Kudla
Alexander Berek
Anastázia Kirková
Iva Nachtmannová
Rastislav Brunovsky
Richard Kraushuber
Milan Křížka
Martina Přichystalová
Ivana Mészáros
Cristina Cornudella
Sonia Castilla Maestre
Vanesa Barroso
Virginia Ramírez
Bárbara Cirerol Trobat
Peter Várošík
Thomas Eifler
Ivana Mészáros
Kateřina Janáková

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