The white Tibetan letter A is the symbol of Shunyata and of primordial wisdom. Dzogchen Terms
Awareness, Non-judging, Patience, Relaxed Mind, Integration, Presence, Non-striving, Acceptance, Nonduality, Letting Go, Beyond Mind.
The awareness (pozornosť) of natural perfection is everywhere, its parameters beyond indication, its actuality incommunicable; the sovereign view of natural
Relative Bodhichitta is a state of being awake, tender, and genuine. The Sanskrit term bodhi means “wakefulness” (bdelosť). The ground
Holding the breath – Kumbhaka, Parlung; Tummo breathing, directing Prana, Tantric Rigpa awakening https://www.dzogchen.sk/encyclopedia/tummo/
The nature of mind, synonym for ‘buddha nature’ or Dzogchen, or the potentiality of vajra in vajrayana. It should be
The fundamental innate mind of clear light is considered to be the nature of mind, or the root of consciousness.
Completion Stage – the dissolution of visualization as the sadhana second phase after the generation stage – the practices or
Contemplation – the action of looking thoughtfully (vedome pozorne) at something for a long time – a kind of inner
Dark retreat styles: 1. Tantric dark retreat style 2. Trekchö dark retreat style 3. Longde dark retreat style 4. Upadesha
Mahamudra and Dzogchen Differ in words but not in meaning. The only difference is that mahamudra stresses mindfulness, While Dzogchen
In the context of Dzogchen dualism refers to the tendency of the mind to conceptualize and divide experience into opposites
Dzogchen – Great Perfection; the state of contemplation beyond the mind; mental processes not conditioning awareness. Dzogchen is about resting
Dzogchen Community are people who are interested in the Dzogchen teaching, want to be beyond mind and also relatively being
Without thoughts Who’s aware of emptiness? Teravadian: Not me Mahayanain: Compassion Tantric: Bliss Madhyamakain: Emptiness Dzogchenpa: Awareness Emptiness is inseparable
Nature of mind is the base of everything, empty and pure with clarity. Shunyata, the state of empty-ness, is the
The “Four Chogzhags” of trekchö or “Four ways of leaving things as they are” in practice: 1. Placement in the
The Four Visions (snang ba bzhi) of the Leaping Over (thod rgal) 1. The Vision of the Immediate Perception of
From the Instruction Manual for the Ground of Tregcho To rest in the state of empty and luminous awareness is
In Dzogchen ground is the primordial state. It is an essential component of the Dzogchen tradition. Knowledge of this Ground
“Guru” means teacher, “yoga” means having knowledge or understanding of one’s own authentic state, the essential condition in which there
The most powerful healing energy in the entire universe is unconditional love. In action – Forgive.
Emptiness and Luminosity Shamatha-vipashyana is sometimes referred to in vajrayana terms as the indivisibility of emptiness and luminosity. Emptiness is
Maha-Ati refers to Atiyoga or to higher tantric yanas (Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga). Maha-Ati teachings may be complex, but they
In the mahayana, everything depends on attitude, and everything is done with diplomacy. But in vajrayanna, you cut thoughts abruptly,
The tantric nyingthik tradition contains Zen-like practices of formless meditation and exercises that cultivate spontaneous visions of buddhas. Main practice
In Dzogchen it is simply resting undistracted in natural state. It is free from all mental constructions, while remaining fully
Natural State – we are totally aware and relaxed. The state is beyond perception and consciousness, and it is self-clear.
Bhagawan Vajradhara! Please explain to us the meaning of ‘nirvana’. The Teacher replied: Best Beloved, listen to this! We shall
Nondualistic – vajrayana insight: it is insight that is free from thinking about something else, free from perceiving the other.
Present: The present time is associated with the events perceived directly and in the first time, not as a recollection
Devotion and Pure Perception that lead beyond confusion to thought-free wakefulness. Devotion towards the Natural State.
Rigpa is the knowledge of the ground. Pure awareness. Open/panoramic/direct awareness; naked/empty vision. A Tibetan word meaning the “essential nature
The essence of Samaya in Dzogchen teaching: “not to meditate or to practice something with the mind” and yet never
In Dzogchen three are four arts of liberation of thoughts: gcer-grol – liberation through bare attention shar-grol – liberation as
The practice of fixation, with or without a visible object, is equated with shamatha meditation (zhi-gnas), attaining a state of
According to the oral instructions of the realized ones, leave out various logical investigations. Stillness is when you look into
Sample Dzogchen training program Dzogchen, or “Great Perfection,” is one of the highest teachings in Tibetan Buddhism, focusing on the
In the mahayana, transcending samsara means to do good, whereas in vajrayana, transcending samsara means play.
Tregchö (’cutting through’ or breakthrough) reveals the “primordial purity” beyond conceptual elaboration, the natural state. Delusion is cut through, and
Tummo breathing is one of the most sacred spiritual practices. Every completion stage begins with tummo. – Simplified, sit in
Most esoteric traditions agree that thoughts themselves are not the enemy. On the other hand, when we are thinking, awareness
This vehicle teaches the practices of taking the result as the path, also known as Secret Mantra.
Vajrayana Insight: it is insight that is free from thinking about something else, free from perceiving the other. In other
We are not talking about magic in the style of a conjuring magician on the stage, but we are talking
Vajrayana sayings: – Rigpa Free from Sem – Buddha without Breath (insight without mind) – Meditation without Thought, but Luminous
The Yangti Nakpo “The Single Golden Letter of the Black Quintessence” is a cycle of Dzogchen teachings that includes practices