Fundraising: Community center in Wangdenling


Dear friends.

Let me update you on how our fundraising for the construction of a new community center is progressing.
Our fundraising accounts now have
8.438 Eur
Thanks to all the generous donors!

Collected: 8.438 € first phase: 40.000 €
  21 %

collected 21 %

Why is a new community house needed?
Wangdenling is our place, it is a place that has been visited and blessed by several great masters, especially Chögyal Namkhai Norbu during his visit to Slovakia in 2016. It is a place of potential suitable for strengthening our practice and for mutual cooperation, which Rinpoche always emphasized.
After having managed to stabilize the foundations of the gonpa in recent years, it is necessary to take care of the facilities that are necessary for joint practice.

Wangdenling cannot do it without your help!
The amount we need to raise is not small, but:
if each of us is able and willing to donate 20 Euros regularly every month from now on.

The money is kept in special fundraising accounts ⬇️ and is NOT used to finance the running of the community. (If the project is not implemented, we will send the donations back to the account they came from.)
So if you can, don’t delay and set up a standing order for 20 Eur / 550 CZK.
For donations in €: SK67 8330 0000 0027 0190 4108
For donations from the Czech Republic (in Kč): 2001904107/2010
Variable symbol: 333

📌 You will find updated information on this website.

Thanks a lot and let’s keep our fingers crossed,
your yellow gakyil 💛

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